Tuesday 5/13/14

Tune in, turn on, it’s the Playboy Morning Show!

We started things off by getting a little trendy… Well, trying anyway. We kicked off our brand-new hashtag #CakingOut in honor of new NFL player Michael Sam’s cake kiss with his boyfriend. Caking Out is something normally reserved for newlyweds and babies, so we thought why not give hot girls a stab at it? Just remember: you can’t have your cake and watch girls eat it off each other, too.

Next up, we continued on our May So Horny train, this time by checking out the animal kingdom. They like to start to get nasty when May comes around, too, so in honor of the birds and the bees, we saw some hot cat lady on cat lady action. Not cat lady like you would see on “Hoarders” or anything, more like a hybrid cat/hot chick. Not chick like a bird, but… you know what? Nevermind.

Following that, we welcomed in Natasha Blasick, an actress and musician who claims to have had sex with a ghost on two separate occasions. Spooky or sexy? It’s a little hard to tell. But one thing’s for sure… when you’re as hot at Natasha is, you can really be surprised if you get hit on from beyond the grave.


After a short break, we welcomed in to the studio Shane Mauss, a funny stand-up comedian whose special “Mating Season” comes out in June. Shane got to flex his comedic muscles as he coached our model Jenna in a segment we call “Can A Bunny Make A Funny.” She obviously benefited from his training and took the stage in front of our famous fake brick wall.


Don’t forget to keep #Cakingout!


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